Would you like twice as many sales

in half the time?

Improve your networking and sales posture in only 6 short weeks with this boot camp, full of essential tools and actions for top sales.

People do business with those they know, like and trust.

You only have seconds to make a first impression.

Not sure how to network or

what to say to leave your prospect wanting what you have?

Here’s a method for business people to build strong networking practices and convert prospects into customers.

Hi, I'm Penny and I'm here to help you

whip your ACT into shape.

Awareness and Contact strategy for Top Sales 

Have you got a big vision to gain and keep more satisfied customers in 2019? 

Then join our group coaching process. Take a deep dive into the awareness of who you want to network with, and tie it to a clear contact strategy with solid posture on the benefits of your product or service and strategies for action to convert to sales.


I’m about to share all of my insider secrets. And more importantly, i’m going to make sure you actually implement them in your business.


Your ACT is about to get better.  

Monday mornings will never be the same again!

8:30 to 9:30am our virtual group team sessions

will educate, motivate and put you to task.

No excuses

Lots of accountability 

Dates: Mondays, 8:30 to 9:30am virtual group sessions




For 12 participants, this will be

“the year that everything changed” 

You know you could rock the planet with your product or service ... but you're just not getting the sales ... yet ...

Just imagine...

  • Being laser focused on your ideal customers ... the people you WANT to do business with ... not the pain in your behind customers, but the juicy ones who appreciate you, pay well and refer you to their networks
  • Being able to clearly articulate your value proposition and hearing people say “We absolutely MUST have what you've got!” 
  • Having a system for building relationships with new prospects daily, staying in touch until they say YES! over and over again.
  • Growing repeat business with customers who chase you for your post sale offering, refer their friends, family and business contacts, and keep you top of mind as the expert in your industry.

That’s what I can help you achieve in Networking and Sales Boot Camp. There’s a simple system. A tried-and-true path for getting what you want. Instead of spending years looking for the growth through trial and error, join me so I can give you the exact roadmap? 

Penny Tremblay

Small Business Coach, Boot Camp Instructor

2018 Networking Woman of the Year 

25 years ago Penny led a sales team into the Million Dollar Club using the principles of relationship strategies. She’s since been teaching, speaking and writing as an expert on the glue that holds business relationships together. Tap into her captivating style which is authentic, passionate, interactive, inspiring and swings like a pendulum from the depths of human emotion to hilarious. Participants are taken on an unforgettable journey, realizing that relationships and people skills significantly contribute to saving time and money for maximum profit.  

Limited to 12 participants

running Monday mornings for six consecutive weeks, group discussion and education led by Penny will educate, inspire and motivate you to kick your ACT up a notch or ten. 

Homework will be assigned in between weeks to help you work up a sweat while building momentum that will one day, be chasing you with sales. 



6 week group coaching program includes: 

  • 6 (weekly) virtual group sessions (access to recordings of each) 
  • 2 – 30 minute private coaching sessions

with Penny Tremblay 

  • Access to our private face book community 
  • A CRM database software (if you need one) 
  • Resources to stay in touch with your prospects 

Sign up today and get these two great gifts delivered to you.

1) The Wealthy Speaker Daily Success Planner & Journal Valued at $59 

The most successful Entrepreneurs have great daily habits. They know what needs to get done, because it’s all mapped out, day by day. All you have to do it show up and do the work! 

2) Kicking Your Networking and Sales ACT into High Gear – Awareness and Contact Strategy for Top Sales, e-book by Penny Tremblay, Speaker, Author and Coach $29

Register Today!